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הסתר הודעה

  ניווט ראשי
Mr. Perfect on Paper
תמונה של  Mr. Perfect on Paper
Mr. Perfect on Paper
מאת Jean Meltzer
קח בהשאלה
From the author of The Matzah Ball comes a pitch-perfect romcom following a third-generation Jewish matchmaker who unwittingly finds her own search for love thrust into the spotlight...
The perfect Jewish husband should be:
  • A doctor or lawyer (preferably a doctor)
  • Baggage-free (no previous marriages, no children)
  • And of course—he must be Jewish

  • As the creator and CEO of the popular Jewish dating app J-Mate, matchmaker Dara Rabinowitz knows the formula for lasting love—at least, for everyone else. When it comes to her own love life, she's been idling indefinitely. Until her beloved bubbe shares Dara's checklist for "The Perfect Jewish Husband" on national television and charming news anchor Chris Steadfast proposes they turn Dara's search into must-see TV.
    As a non-Jewish single dad, Chris doesn't check any of Dara's boxes. But her hunt for Mr. Perfect is the ratings boost his show desperately needs. If only Chris could ignore his own pesky attraction to Dara—a task much easier said than done when Dara starts questioning if "perfect on paper" can compete with how hard she's falling for Chris...
    "A warm, heartfelt ode to self-acceptance, honesty, and tight-knit Jewish communities...a true pleasure to read."—Olivia Dade, author of Spoiler Alert, on The Matzah Ball
    From the author of The Matzah Ball comes a pitch-perfect romcom following a third-generation Jewish matchmaker who unwittingly finds her own search for love thrust into the spotlight...
    The perfect Jewish husband should be:
  • A doctor or lawyer (preferably a doctor)
  • Baggage-free (no previous marriages, no children)
  • And of course—he must be Jewish

  • As the creator and CEO of the popular Jewish dating app J-Mate, matchmaker Dara Rabinowitz knows the formula for lasting love—at least, for everyone else. When it comes to her own love life, she's been idling indefinitely. Until her beloved bubbe shares Dara's checklist for "The Perfect Jewish Husband" on national television and charming news anchor Chris Steadfast proposes they turn Dara's search into must-see TV.
    As a non-Jewish single dad, Chris doesn't check any of Dara's boxes. But her hunt for Mr. Perfect is the ratings boost his show desperately needs. If only Chris could ignore his own pesky attraction to Dara—a task much easier said than done when Dara starts questioning if "perfect on paper" can compete with how hard she's falling for Chris...
    "A warm, heartfelt ode to self-acceptance, honesty, and tight-knit Jewish communities...a true pleasure to read."—Olivia Dade, author of Spoiler Alert, on The Matzah Ball
    פורמטים זמינים-
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    על המחבר-
    • Jean Meltzer studied dramatic writing at NYU Tisch and has earned numerous awards for her work in television, including a daytime Emmy. She spent five years in rabbinical school before her chronic illness forced her to withdraw, and her father told her she should write a book—just not a Jewish one because no one reads those. Magical Meet Cute is her fourth novel.

    • AudioFile Magazine Narrator Dara Rosenberg gives a magnificent performance of this hilarious and heartwarming rom-com. Dara Rabinowitz, a 30-something developer of a Jewish matchmaking app, appears on a television show hosted by anchor Chris Steadfast. Dara's matchmaker grandmother, Bubbe Miriam, accompanies Dara and shares with the audience the list of qualities Dara is seeking in her perfect Jewish husband-to-be. Dara reluctantly agrees to be filmed on a series of dates, and after a disastrous one, she meets an emergency room physician named Daniel, who checks all her boxes. Yet Dara finds herself drawn to the gentle widower Chris and his delightful 11-year-old-daughter, Lacey. Rosenberg expresses the wit, charm, and sensibility of every character, including Miriam's friends and Chris's kindhearted neighbors, firefighter Jenkins and his wife, Katie. M.J. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2022, Portland, Maine
    • Library Journal

      June 10, 2024

      Metzger (The Matzah Ball) answers the contemporary dating question: What's a Jewish girl to do when she finds a perfect Jewish man (on paper), but her heart's desire isn't Jewish? Dara Rabinowitz, the wealthy, anxiety-ridden CEO of J-Mate, the online app for Jewish Singles, is single. When Dara and her Bubbe Miriam appear on a New York morning show to plug J-Mate, Bubbe pulls out Dara's list describing Mr. Perfect. Dara is humiliated, but the audience is enthralled. Meanwhile, host Chris Steadfast is intrigued by Dara, who is forthright about her general anxiety disorder (GAD) and proud of her Jewish heritage. Chris concocts a scheme to find Dara's Mr. Perfect, but in the process, they both discover that the right person may be closer than they think. Narrator Dara Rosenberg deftly conveys the humor and real emotion that runs throughout this book. She is particularly adept at personifying Dara's anxiety, changing her pitch and tone to indicate when Dara's anxiety is on the rise. She also effectively portrays Chris's transformation from career-obsessed celebrity host to caring single father. VERDICT Jewish heroines don't get a lot of space in mainstream romance. Here's hoping that this charming book changes the equation.--Jodi L. Israel

      Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    סך כל ההזמנות:



    חלק מאפשרויות הפורמט נוטרלו. ייתכן שתוצגנה אפשרויות הורדה נוספות מחוץ לרשת זו.


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    הגעת למגבלת ההשאלה של כותרים דיגיטליים בכרטיס שלך.

    על מנת לפנות מקום לעוד השאלות, ייתכן ותוכל להחזיר כותרים ממדף הספרים שלך.


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    היו יותר מדי כותרים שנלקחו בהשאלה והוחזרו בחשבון שלך במשך זמן קצר.

    נסה שוב בעוד מספר ימים. אם אינך יכול לבדוק כותרים אחרי 7 ימים, צור קשר עם התמיכה.


    כבר בדקת את הכותר הזה. על מנת לקבל גישה אליו, חזור ל- מדף הספרים.


    הכותר הזה לא זמין עבור סוג הכרטיס שלך. אם אתה חושב שזו טעות צור קשר עם התמיכה.


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    ותן לספריה שלך עוד WIN!
    Mr. Perfect on Paper
    Mr. Perfect on Paper
    Jean Meltzer
    בחר שותף קמעונאי להלן, כדי לקנות הכותר הזה בעבורך.
    חלק מרכישה זו מופנה לתמיכה בספרייה שלך.

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