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הסתר הודעה

  ניווט ראשי
Fool's Fate
תמונה של  Fool's Fate
Fool's Fate
The Tawny Man Trilogy Book 3
מאת Robin Hobb
קח בהשאלה קח בהשאלה
“Complex . . . an atmosphere-filled adventure . . . with a fair quota of surprises . . . a winning combination of strong characters and colorful societies.”—Kirkus Reviews
In the final book in the Tawny Man Trilogy, Fitz and the Fool are tested more severely than ever in a book the Monroe News-Star calls “a breathtaking ride from beginning to end.”
FitzChivalry Farseer has become firmly ensconced in the queen’s court. Along with his mentor, Chade, and the simpleminded yet strongly skilled Thick, Fitz strives to aid Prince Dutiful on a quest that could secure peace with the Out Islands—and win Dutiful the hand of the Narcheska Elliania.
The Narcheska has set the prince an unfathomable task: to behead a dragon trapped in ice on the isle of Aslevjal. Yet not all the clans of the Out Islands support their effort. Are there darker forces at work behind Elliania’s demand? Knowing that the Fool has foretold he will die on the island of ice, Fitz plots to leave his dearest friend behind. But fate cannot so easily be defied.
“Complex . . . an atmosphere-filled adventure . . . with a fair quota of surprises . . . a winning combination of strong characters and colorful societies.”—Kirkus Reviews
In the final book in the Tawny Man Trilogy, Fitz and the Fool are tested more severely than ever in a book the Monroe News-Star calls “a breathtaking ride from beginning to end.”
FitzChivalry Farseer has become firmly ensconced in the queen’s court. Along with his mentor, Chade, and the simpleminded yet strongly skilled Thick, Fitz strives to aid Prince Dutiful on a quest that could secure peace with the Out Islands—and win Dutiful the hand of the Narcheska Elliania.
The Narcheska has set the prince an unfathomable task: to behead a dragon trapped in ice on the isle of Aslevjal. Yet not all the clans of the Out Islands support their effort. Are there darker forces at work behind Elliania’s demand? Knowing that the Fool has foretold he will die on the island of ice, Fitz plots to leave his dearest friend behind. But fate cannot so easily be defied.
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  • Chapter 1 Chapter 1


    Sometimes it seems unfair that events so old can reach forward through the years, sinking claws into one's life and twisting all that follows it. Yet perhaps that is the ultimate justice: we are the sum of all we have done added to the sum of all that has been done to us. There is no escaping that, not for any of us.

    So it was that everything that the Fool had ever said to me and all the things he'd left unsaid combined. And the sum was that I betrayed him. Yet I believed that I acted in his best interests, and mine. He had foretold that if we went to Aslevjal Island, he would die and Death might make another snap of his jaws at me. He promised to do all in his power to see that I survived, for his grand scheme to change the future required it. But with my latest brush with death still fresh in my memory, I found his promises more threatening than reassuring. He had also blithely informed me that once we were on the island, I would have to choose between our friendship and my loyalty to Prince Dutiful.

    Perhaps I could have faced one of those things and stood strong before it, but I doubt it. Any one of those things was enough to unman me, and facing the sum of them was simply beyond my strength.

    So I went to Chade. I told him what the Fool had said. And my old mentor arranged that when we sailed for the Out Islands, the Fool would not go with us.

    Spring had come to Buckkeep Castle. The grim black stone edifice still crouched suspiciously on the steep cliffs above Buckkeep Town, but on the rolling hills behind the keep, new green grass was pushing optimistically up through the standing brown straw of last year's growth. The bare-limbed forests were hazed with tiny green leaves unfurling on every tree branch. The wintry mounds of dead kelp on the black beaches at the foot of the cliffs had been swept away by the tides. Migratory birds had returned, and their songs rang challenges in the forested hills and along the beaches where seabirds battled for choice nesting nooks in the cliffs. Spring had even invaded the dim halls and high-ceilinged chambers of the keep, for blossoming branches and early-blooming flowers graced every alcove and framed the entries of the gathering rooms.

    The warmer winds seemed to sweep my gloom away. None of my problems and concerns had vanished, but spring can dismiss a multitude of worries. My physical state had improved; I felt more youthful than I had in my twenties. Not only was I building flesh and muscle again, but I suddenly possessed the body that a fit man of my years should have. The harsh healing I had undergone at the inexperienced hands of the coterie had inadvertently undone old damage as well. Abuse I had suffered at Galen's hands in the course of his teaching me the Skill, injuries I had taken as a warrior, and the deep scars from my torture in Regal's dungeons had been erased. My headaches had nearly ceased, my vision no longer blurred when I was weary, and I did not ache in the chill of early morning. I lived now in the body of a strong and healthy animal. Few things are so exhilarating as good health on a clear spring morning.

    I stood on the top of a tower and looked out over the wrinkling sea. Behind me, tubs of earth, freshly manured, held small fruit trees arrayed in blossoms of white and pale pink. Smaller pots held vines with swelling leaf buds. The long green leaves of bulb flowers thrust up like scouts sent to test the air. In some pots, only bare brown stalks showed, but the promise was there, each plant awaiting the return of warmer days. Interspersed with the pots were artfully arranged statuary and beckoning benches. Shielded candles awaited...

על המחבר-
  • Robin Hobb is the author of the Farseer Trilogy, the Liveship Traders Trilogy, the Tawny Man Trilogy, the Soldier Son Trilogy, and the Rain Wilds Chronicles. She has also written as Megan Lindholm. She is a native of Washington State.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from December 8, 2003
    In Hobb's riveting conclusion to the Tawny Man series in the Farseer world (after Fool's Errand
    and Golden Fool
    ), FitzChivalry Farseer and the man known as the Fool follow the dizzying, complex and treacherous steps that destiny has arranged for them—even though they both know that the end of the dance leads to agonizing decisions and, ultimately, death. Thrown in with Fitz and the Fool are a band of travelers who are on a quest to seek the head of the dragon Icefyre so that Prince Dutiful Farseer may marry the Narcheska Elliania. Most of the group find the time-consuming undertaking difficult and repugnant, for none of them truly wants to kill the ice-bound dragon, not even the Narcheska, it seems. All, however, are duty-bound to honor their word. Since the Fool has foreseen that all the possible consequences of killing the dragon spell his doom, his is the lone voice of dissent. With its carefully modulated tension, wonderful final revelation and strong characters who remain true to themselves throughout, this series may well become a classic in the fantasy field. (Feb. 10)

    This completes the nine-volume Farseer series (
    Assassin's Apprentice, etc.), but a tiny hole leaves room for more books. The pseudonymous Hobb, whose real name is Megan Lindholm, may find it had to resist popular demand.

  • Library Journal

    January 1, 2004
    To bring an end to war in the Six Duchies, FitzChivalry Farseer and his companions, Chade and Thick, sail to the icebound realm of Aslevjal, where the great black dragon, Icefyre, lies sleeping. Armed with his father's sword, FitzChivalry risks his life in a cause greater than himself. The author of the "Liveship Traders" and the "Farseer" trilogies concludes her tale of reluctant hero FitzChivalry in grand style. Hobb's rich, vibrant, and unique world, filled with sentient ships, magical beasts, and fascinating characters, deserves exposure to a wide audience. Highly recommended.

    Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.

  • Booklist

    January 1, 2004
    The conclusion of the Tawny Man trilogy is generally as distinguished as its predecessors, " Fool's Errand "(2001) and " Golden Fool "[BKL N 15 02]," "although Fitzchivalry Farseer continues to be hardly a fool, and his fate is not particularly dire. He reaches the end of this portion of his journey only after physical, intellectual, and ethical travels that involve every part of the Six Duchies, most of the characters in the previous two novels, and plenty of adventures that show off Hobb's exalted world-building skills. As before in Hobb's work (see the Liveship Traders trilogy), the saga's ethical journey is its most important movement, and not only for the protagonist. Fitzchivalry has to find true love, remain bonded to his animal companion, deal with deadly intrigues to whose resolutions he is key, and realize that solutions all parties regard as ethical have the best chance of enduring. In this vast --and vastly rewarding --tale, Hobb largely avoids the sententiousness such an ethically loaded agenda portends.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2004, American Library Association.)

  • BookPage

    Praise for Robin Hobb and Fool's Fate "Fantasy as it ought to be written . . . Robin Hobb's books are diamonds in a sea of zircons."--George R. R. Martin "[Robin] Hobb's rich, vibrant and unique world [is] filled with sentient ships, magical beasts, and fascinating characters. . . . Highly recommended."--Library Journal "Rich, enchanting fantasy from one of today's best practitioners . . . reminiscent of Ursula Le Guin's The Other Wind [and] Anne McCaffrey's Pern series."

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חלק מאפשרויות הפורמט נוטרלו. ייתכן שתוצגנה אפשרויות הורדה נוספות מחוץ לרשת זו.


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הכותר הזה לא זמין עבור סוג הכרטיס שלך. אם אתה חושב שזו טעות צור קשר עם התמיכה.


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Fool's Fate
Fool's Fate
The Tawny Man Trilogy Book 3
Robin Hobb
בחר שותף קמעונאי להלן, כדי לקנות הכותר הזה בעבורך.
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