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הסתר הודעה

  ניווט ראשי
The (Other) You
תמונה של  The (Other) You
The (Other) You
קח בהשאלה קח בהשאלה

A powerful reckoning over the people we might have been if we'd chosen a different path, from a master of the short story

In this stirring, reflective collection of short stories, Joyce Carol Oates ponders alternate destinies: the other lives we might have led if we'd made different choices. An accomplished writer returns to her childhood home of Yewville, but the homecoming stirs troubled thoughts about the person she might have been if she'd never left. A man in prison contemplates the gravity of his irreversible act. A student's affair with a professor results in a pregnancy that alters the course of her life forever. Even the experience of reading is investigated as one that can create a profound transformation: "You could enter another time, the time of the book."

The (Other) You is an arresting and incisive vision into these alternative realities, a collection that ponders the constraints we all face given the circumstances of our birth and our temperaments, and that examines the competing pressures and expectations on women in particular. Finely attuned to the nuances of our social and psychic selves, Joyce Carol Oates demonstrates here why she remains one of our most celebrated and relevant literary figures.

A powerful reckoning over the people we might have been if we'd chosen a different path, from a master of the short story

In this stirring, reflective collection of short stories, Joyce Carol Oates ponders alternate destinies: the other lives we might have led if we'd made different choices. An accomplished writer returns to her childhood home of Yewville, but the homecoming stirs troubled thoughts about the person she might have been if she'd never left. A man in prison contemplates the gravity of his irreversible act. A student's affair with a professor results in a pregnancy that alters the course of her life forever. Even the experience of reading is investigated as one that can create a profound transformation: "You could enter another time, the time of the book."

The (Other) You is an arresting and incisive vision into these alternative realities, a collection that ponders the constraints we all face given the circumstances of our birth and our temperaments, and that examines the competing pressures and expectations on women in particular. Finely attuned to the nuances of our social and psychic selves, Joyce Carol Oates demonstrates here why she remains one of our most celebrated and relevant literary figures.

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על המחבר-
  • Joyce Carol Oates is a recipient of the National Medal of Humanities, the National Book Critics Circle Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award, the National Book Award, and the 2019 Jerusalem Prize, and has been several times nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. She has written some of the most enduring fiction of our time, including the national bestsellers We Were the Mulvaneys; Blonde, which was nominated for the National Book Award; and the New York Times bestseller The Falls, which won the 2005 Prix Femina. She is the Roger S. Berlind Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at Princeton University and has been a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters since 1978.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from October 19, 2020
    Oates (Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars) delivers a dark, moody collection permeated by themes of obsession, remorse, and violence. In the title story, a secondhand bookstore owner ruminates over the college entrance exam that sealed her fate to remain in humdrum Yewville, N.Y. A sinister twist surprises in “The Women Friends,” in which two women find themselves in the same café as a jittery suicide bomber. The café reappears throughout the book, culminating in the gripping “Final Interview,” where a notoriously reclusive author imagines a final act of vengeance against the world. Dashed hopes and glances at the past interrupt another author’s life in “The Unexpected,” in which the protagonist returns to Yewville to deliver a commencement speech, only to be humbled by friends from her childhood. The recently widowed creative writing teacher at the center of the brilliant “The Happy Place” discovers not even a reckless obsession with a student could fill the gaping hollowness of her empty house, while mourning and blame overwhelm the parents of a deceased child in “Nightgrief.” Oates’s mastery of the form remains fierce and formidable in this unsettling collection of lamentations and missed opportunities.

  • Booklist

    December 1, 2020
    In her latest, stirring story collection, Oates portrays characters who acknowledge the seasons, their current predicaments, and their faulty powers of mind as they thread the fractured possibilities of their lives. Characters confront aging, mortality, and shifting relationships, often beleaguered by triumphs and terrors large and small. In "The Women Friends," two longtime confidants meet at a caf�, where the widening gap in their relationship is compounded by one friend's realization that a suicide bomber may or may not be sitting at a table on the periphery. The caf� is again the setting for "Waiting for Kizer," when two strangers unexpectedly chart their very similar lives yet very different perspectives. Other tales explore husband-and-wife relationships. In "The Bloody Head," a woman's idyllic vacation shifts after a hotel guest is injured in an accident and she must decide whether or not to go to his aid, leading to an unexpected revelation. In "Nightgrief," a mother navigates the complex aftermath of trauma. In these haunting and timely tales, there are no easy answers for Oates' characters as they contend with life's labyrinths and provocations.


  • AudioFile Magazine In this story collection, prolific author Joyce Carol Oates explores "might-have-beens" among a variety of characters. Kate Reading provides a strong and steady narration, as usual, boldly putting forth Oates's direct syntax and a no-nonsense style. Narrator Malcolm Hillgartner has a more formal voice that keeps listeners at arm's length with its chilly tone. Both narrators are well-matched performers for Oates's tales of loss, disappointment, and regret. Whether the story follows one woman's examination of the life she could have had or revisits an older man's heartbreak, the audiobook is clear-eyed and methodical in its approach. Listeners are left to react with their own emotions. Reading and Hillgartner present the stories with a neutral clarity that suits Oates's work. L.B.F. © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine
  • Kirkus

    Starred review from December 1, 2020
    Crackling with pent-up emotion and deadly devices, a suite of neatly intertwining stories by a masterful storyteller. "Whichever side the Professor espoused in an issue, the wife felt obliged to take the opposite side. Sometimes in the midst of their squabbles the wife lost interest abruptly and allowed the subject to fade." If Oates has a trademark theme, it is in people talking past and against each other instead of getting a clue. In the first story in this collection, a woman, addressed in the second person, who has given up most of her dreams to live in a small town near Buffalo, "gnawing at your embittered heart," thinks only fleetingly about what might have been. Though she seems to have accepted her lot, we have reason to think that, now late in life, she might have regrets. So does the woman who goes to a place the reader will see several times, the Purple Onion Caf�, where something terrible will happen. It would be a spoiler to say what, but Oates expertly folds the episode up in a Twilight Zone-ish wrinkle in time, one that we will return to at several points. One character dies in a way of which Edward Gorey would surely approve; most, in these stories laden with somber meditations on death ("For when 'hospice' is uttered, it is at last acknowledged--There is no hope"), succumb to the ordinary: cancer, accidents, and now terrorism. "Their friends and neighbors are collapsing all around them!" ponders one academic, aging but not yet old, who has been playing a parlor game of sorts in guessing whom the Reaper will harvest first. In the end, not many people in Yewville or the leafy suburbs of New York make it out of Oates' pages without at least a few scars, and the Purple Onion suffers plenty of dings as well, which makes it a book that seems just right for the times. Few short story writers do as much in so few words as the economical, enigmatic Oates.

    COPYRIGHT(2020) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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לפורמט OverDrive Read של הספר האלקטרוני הזה קיימת קריינות מקצועית המופעלת בזמן שהנך קורא בדפדפן שלך. למידע נוסף לחץ כאן.



סך כל ההזמנות:



חלק מאפשרויות הפורמט נוטרלו. ייתכן שתוצגנה אפשרויות הורדה נוספות מחוץ לרשת זו.


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הגעת למגבלת ההשאלה של כותרים דיגיטליים בכרטיס שלך.

על מנת לפנות מקום לעוד השאלות, ייתכן ותוכל להחזיר כותרים ממדף הספרים שלך.


עברת את מכסת ההשאלה.

היו יותר מדי כותרים שנלקחו בהשאלה והוחזרו בחשבון שלך במשך זמן קצר.

נסה שוב בעוד מספר ימים. אם אינך יכול לבדוק כותרים אחרי 7 ימים, צור קשר עם התמיכה.


כבר בדקת את הכותר הזה. על מנת לקבל גישה אליו, חזור ל- מדף הספרים.


הכותר הזה לא זמין עבור סוג הכרטיס שלך. אם אתה חושב שזו טעות צור קשר עם התמיכה.


אירעה שגיאה בלתי צפויה.

אם השגיאה נמשכת, צור קשר עם התמיכה.



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קנה עכשיו
ותן לספריה שלך עוד WIN!
The (Other) You
The (Other) You
Joyce Carol Oates
בחר שותף קמעונאי להלן, כדי לקנות הכותר הזה בעבורך.
חלק מרכישה זו מופנה לתמיכה בספרייה שלך.

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