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הסתר הודעה

  ניווט ראשי
The Sea of Monsters
תמונה של  The Sea of Monsters
The Sea of Monsters
מאת Rick Riordan
After a year spent trying to prevent a catastropic war among the Greek gods, Percy Jackson finds his seventh-grade school year unnervingly quiet. His biggest problem is dealing with his new friend, Tyson—a six-foot-three, mentally challenged homeless kid who follows Percy everywhere, making it hard for Percy to have any "normal" friends.
But things don't stay quiet for long. Percy soon discovers there is trouble at Camp Half-Blood: The magical borders which protect Half-Blood Hill have been poisoned by a mysterious enemy, and the only safe haven for demigods is on the verge of being overrun by mythological monsters. To save the camp, Percy needs the help of his best friend, Grover, who has been taken prisoner by the Cyclops Polyphemus on an island somewhere in the Sea of Monsters—the dangerous waters Greek heroes have sailed for millenia—only today, the Sea of Monsters goes by a new name...the Bermuda Triangle.
Now Percy and his friends—Grover, Annabeth, and Tyson—must retrieve the Golden Fleece from the Island of the Cyclopes by the end of the summer or Camp Half-Blood will be destroyed. But first, Percy will learn a stunning new secret about his family—one that makes him question whether being claimed as Poseidon's son is an honor or simply a cruel joke.
After a year spent trying to prevent a catastropic war among the Greek gods, Percy Jackson finds his seventh-grade school year unnervingly quiet. His biggest problem is dealing with his new friend, Tyson—a six-foot-three, mentally challenged homeless kid who follows Percy everywhere, making it hard for Percy to have any "normal" friends.
But things don't stay quiet for long. Percy soon discovers there is trouble at Camp Half-Blood: The magical borders which protect Half-Blood Hill have been poisoned by a mysterious enemy, and the only safe haven for demigods is on the verge of being overrun by mythological monsters. To save the camp, Percy needs the help of his best friend, Grover, who has been taken prisoner by the Cyclops Polyphemus on an island somewhere in the Sea of Monsters—the dangerous waters Greek heroes have sailed for millenia—only today, the Sea of Monsters goes by a new name...the Bermuda Triangle.
Now Percy and his friends—Grover, Annabeth, and Tyson—must retrieve the Golden Fleece from the Island of the Cyclopes by the end of the summer or Camp Half-Blood will be destroyed. But first, Percy will learn a stunning new secret about his family—one that makes him question whether being claimed as Poseidon's son is an honor or simply a cruel joke.
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על המחבר-
  • Rick Riordan is the author of six previous Tres Navarre novels—Big Red Tequila, winner of the Shamus and Anthony Awards; The Widower’s Two-Step, winner of the Edgar Award; The Last King of Texas; The Devil Went Down to Austin; Southtown; and Mission Road. He is also the author of the acclaimed thriller Cold Springs and the young adult novel The Lightning Thief. Rick Riordan lives with his family in San Antonio, Texas.
  • AudioFile Magazine This action-packed book (second in a series) will delight fans of Percy Jackson, the half-blood son of Poseidon, as Percy once again battles mythical monsters in modern-day settings while on his mission to save the tree that guards Camp Half-Blood. Narrator Jesse Berns helps listeners slip right into the oddly engaging world that Riordan creates, in which contemporary teen characters and those from classical mythology intermingle. Berns is so good at accurately portraying teenagers that it's hard to recall he isn't one; Percy's sarcasm and disdainful tones ("Dude?") are just right, though Berns also reveals his ability to become a satyr, cyclops, or guinea pig ("Reep! Reep!") as required. Berns keeps the pace masterfully taut while also allowing listeners time to revel in the book's humor. J.C.G. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award (c) AudioFile 2006, Portland, Maine
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from April 24, 2006
    In a feat worthy of his heroic subjects, Riordan crafts a sequel stronger than his compelling debut in this second adventure in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. After a group of Laistrygonians (giant cannibals) infiltrate the dodgeball game at Percy's alternative Manhattan school, and his friend Annabeth (a daughter of Athena, introduced in the first book) comes to the rescue, the two take the homeless scholarship student Tyson with them to Camp Half-Blood, where trouble is brewing. Percy soon realizes that Tyson is a Cyclops (meaning they're half-brothers and possibly enemies—both sons of Poseidon) and learns that someone poisoned the sacred Thalia's tree, which protects the "magic borders" of the demigod camp. Riordan catches readers up seamlessly on this world in which gods still reign; he builds on existing subplots and rivalries, and introduces harrowing new challenges as Percy and Annabeth set off across the Sea of Monsters on a quest to find the Golden Fleece, which will heal Thalia's tree. Percy's relationship with Tyson and their battle against the Cyclops guarding the Fleece (Polyphemus) brings up probing questions about shame, family and loyalty. With humor, intelligence and expert pacing, the author uses this tale of believable teens and their high-stakes struggle to bring the mythical lore up to date (e.g., Hermes, appropriately, invented the Internet). A cliffhanger imparts new meaning to the prophesy (mentioned in the first book) and leaves no question that Percy's high-stakes battle for Western Civilization will continue to surprise even himself. Ages 10-up.

  • School Library Journal

    October 1, 2006
    Gr 5-9-In this sequel (Miramax Books, 2006) to Rick Riordans "The Lightning Thief" (Hyperion, 2005; Listening Library, 2005) 13-year-old Percy is just finishing up his school year and is looking forward to another great summer at Camp Half-Blood with all the other demigods. But even before school ends, things start happening, and soon Percy is at camp along with Tyson, a homeless kid adopted by Percys school. At camp, Percy not only discovers that Tyson is a Cyclops and a son of Poseidon, which makes him Percys half-brother, but also that the camp is in trouble. Theres a quest to rescue Percys friend, Grover the satyr, and to retrieve the Golden Fleece. The plot zips along with plenty of action; lots of mythological monsters, titans, and gods; and a leavening of humor. Jesse Bernstein does a good job of giving Percy a youthful voice in this first-person narrative, while at the same time creating appropriate voices for the other characters. Listeners who have not read or listened to the first book in the projected trilogy will want to do so before the next installment is published."Sarah Flowers, Santa Clara County Library, CA"

    Copyright 2006 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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סך כל ההזמנות:



חלק מאפשרויות הפורמט נוטרלו. ייתכן שתוצגנה אפשרויות הורדה נוספות מחוץ לרשת זו.


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הגעת למגבלת ההשאלה של כותרים דיגיטליים בכרטיס שלך.

על מנת לפנות מקום לעוד השאלות, ייתכן ותוכל להחזיר כותרים ממדף הספרים שלך.


עברת את מכסת ההשאלה.

היו יותר מדי כותרים שנלקחו בהשאלה והוחזרו בחשבון שלך במשך זמן קצר.

נסה שוב בעוד מספר ימים. אם אינך יכול לבדוק כותרים אחרי 7 ימים, צור קשר עם התמיכה.


כבר בדקת את הכותר הזה. על מנת לקבל גישה אליו, חזור ל- מדף הספרים.


הכותר הזה לא זמין עבור סוג הכרטיס שלך. אם אתה חושב שזו טעות צור קשר עם התמיכה.


אירעה שגיאה בלתי צפויה.

אם השגיאה נמשכת, צור קשר עם התמיכה.



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ותן לספריה שלך עוד WIN!
The Sea of Monsters
The Sea of Monsters
Rick Riordan
בחר שותף קמעונאי להלן, כדי לקנות הכותר הזה בעבורך.
חלק מרכישה זו מופנה לתמיכה בספרייה שלך.

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