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One Last Gift
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One Last Gift
A Novel
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When a young woman finds herself lost and at a crossroads, one last gift from her brother just might give her another chance at life and at love in this epic holiday romance from the author of Always, in December
“Heartbreaking, romantic and full of warmth . . . waterproof mascara recommended!”—Sarah Morgan, author of The Christmas Sisters
Sometimes the best gifts in life are the ones you don’t expect.
Cassie and Tom lost their parents at a young age and relied on each other—as well as a community of friends—to cope. They were especially close with Tom’s best friend, Sam, who always made sure that Tom and Cassie were surrounded with love. But, twenty years later, Cassie has lost Tom as well. And in a way, she’s also lost Sam; over the years they’d drifted apart, and now the man she always had a crush on is someone she doesn’t even recognize anymore.
She’s never felt more alone.
Then Cassie finds an envelope with her name on it, written in Tom’s terrible handwriting, and she knows immediately what it is. It’s the first clue in the Christmas scavenger hunt that Tom made for her every year; he’d promised her for months that this year’s would be the grandest one yet. At first, she’s too scared to open the envelope—what if she can’t figure out the clues without his help? Or what if she does figure them all out and her last connection to Tom is gone?
Tom’s present sets Cassie on a heart-wrenching and beautiful journey that will change her life—if she lets it. And as she travels from London to the Welsh mountains to the French countryside, she reconnects with old friends, rekindles a lost love, and, most important, rediscovers herself. But once she’s solved the final clue, will she be brave enough to accept the gift her brother has given her—and the love it’s led her to?
When a young woman finds herself lost and at a crossroads, one last gift from her brother just might give her another chance at life and at love in this epic holiday romance from the author of Always, in December
“Heartbreaking, romantic and full of warmth . . . waterproof mascara recommended!”—Sarah Morgan, author of The Christmas Sisters
Sometimes the best gifts in life are the ones you don’t expect.
Cassie and Tom lost their parents at a young age and relied on each other—as well as a community of friends—to cope. They were especially close with Tom’s best friend, Sam, who always made sure that Tom and Cassie were surrounded with love. But, twenty years later, Cassie has lost Tom as well. And in a way, she’s also lost Sam; over the years they’d drifted apart, and now the man she always had a crush on is someone she doesn’t even recognize anymore.
She’s never felt more alone.
Then Cassie finds an envelope with her name on it, written in Tom’s terrible handwriting, and she knows immediately what it is. It’s the first clue in the Christmas scavenger hunt that Tom made for her every year; he’d promised her for months that this year’s would be the grandest one yet. At first, she’s too scared to open the envelope—what if she can’t figure out the clues without his help? Or what if she does figure them all out and her last connection to Tom is gone?
Tom’s present sets Cassie on a heart-wrenching and beautiful journey that will change her life—if she lets it. And as she travels from London to the Welsh mountains to the French countryside, she reconnects with old friends, rekindles a lost love, and, most important, rediscovers herself. But once she’s solved the final clue, will she be brave enough to accept the gift her brother has given her—and the love it’s led her to?
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  • OverDrive Listen
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook
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  • From the cover Chapter One

    Cassie ducked under the low wooden beam of the doorway and into the warmth of the pub, her hands full, clutching a tray of mince pies. In one corner, logs cracked in the fireplace, and the smell of mulled wine, sherry, pine, and cheese all rolled into one. She walked toward the rustic bar, nodding to a few familiar faces as she passed, the chatter of what must be nearly the entire village washing over her. It made her smile—­everyone out together on Christmas Eve, coming out to an event that she’d helped organize and looking like they were ­really enjoying it.

    She caught sight of Tom, leaning against a stone wall and laughing as he threw his head back, his blond hair, almost exactly the same color as hers, flopping to one side. He hadn’t noticed her coming in: he was chatting away to someone who had their back to her, beer in hand. Someone with messy dark brown hair, relaxed posture, a black jacket showing off those impressive shoulders. Her smile got bigger and she tried to ignore the little lurch in her stomach, the way her skin started to buzz.

    It’s just Sam, she told herself. Sam, whom she’d known since forever. Sam, her brother’s best friend. She glanced at him once more—­and nearly stumbled straight into the old oak bar, clutching the tray she was holding and throwing it out in front of her to save the mince pies.

    “Watch out, Cassie love—­we don’t want to see all your hard work ending up on the floor!” Linda, landlady of The Red House, appeared on the other side of the bar, having come through the double doors that led to the kitchen. She tucked a red-­and-­white tea towel through the belt on her jeans and crossed to Cassie, reached out to take the mince pies, then set them down by the coffee machine.

    “Sorry, Linda,” Cassie said quickly, slipping out of her coat, “I know I’m a bit late, and I—­”

    Linda waved her apology away, her many rings glinting in the candlelight from the candles Cassie had helped set up earlier. “Don’t be silly. You’re a doll for making them, and they look so good I might have to sneak one away before the rabble get their hands on them.” She did just that, grabbing one and taking a bite, and groaning in what Cassie thought was slightly overdone pleasure. A crumb of the pastry stuck to Linda’s red lip gloss, and Cassie wondered if she should tell her. “I can’t believe you whipped these up overnight! You’re a girl of many hidden talents, I tell you.”

    Cassie shrugged modestly and decided not to tell Linda about the three batches of pastry that had ended up in the bin, the state of the kitchen earning many a tight-­lipped look from her aunt Claire. But really, what was the alternative? Linda had suggested store-­bought mince pies from Sainsburys for the pub’s annual Christmas Eve event, but Cassie had known that homemade would be better.

    The door to the pub opened again, letting in a blast of cool air that managed to reach even the bar. Cassie looked over to see Hazel, her best friend since the beginning of primary school, coming in with her mum. Hazel spotted Cassie and her eyes—­green, not hazel—­sparked as she closed the distance between them with a few long, elegant strides. Cassie clocked the heels that Hazel was wearing and tried not to wrinkle her nose. They always looked ridiculous together when she did that, because of the difference in their heights—­Hazel tall enough to be a professional model, and Cassie, barely making...
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from August 29, 2022
    With this beautiful and heart-wrenching Christmas story, Stone (Always, in December) delivers an epic story of family, loss, and the triumph of love. Siblings Cassie and Tom relied on each other and a group of friends who became like surrogate family after the death of their parents when they were children. Now adults, they’re closer than ever, held together partly by beloved holiday traditions, including Tom creating a clever holiday scavenger hunt for Cassie each year. When Tom is killed in a rock-climbing accident shortly before Christmas, Cassie falls apart, distancing herself from friends Sam and Hazel. Meanwhile, Sam withdraws into his own grief, blaming himself for Tom’s death because he was not there to save him. Though Sam wants to be there for Cassie—with whom he shared a single passionate kiss five years earlier—he fears disappointing her. When Cassie discovers the first clue to the Christmas scavenger hunt Tom set up before his death, solving it gives her purpose—and following the trail leads to a second chance at love. Stone’s masterful tale does not shy away from the messiness of grief, resulting in a complex and emotional story that tugs on every heartstring. Readers should have tissues at the ready. Agent: Sarah Hornsley, Peters Fraser + Dunlop.

  • Library Journal

    December 1, 2022

    Stone's (Always, in December) sophomore effort is a gut-wrenching, yet heartening tale of coming to terms with grief. After the loss of their parents, event planner Cassie relied on her older brother Tom to raise her. He took the role seriously, creating elaborate holiday scavenger hunts for her every year. When Tom tragically dies before Christmas, she is distraught by the delivery of the first clue--should she continue the treasure hunt? Narrator Heather Long perfectly portrays Cassie's grief as she mourns her brother, and her frustration as she struggles with loving Tom's best friend, Sam. With the support of her own best friend, Cassie's next few years of self-discovery, while following Tom's clues, lead to more satisfying employment, as well as love. Long smartly portrays the characters' English accents and switches effortlessly to those from Wales and New York. The audio production is superb except for one spliced phrase at a higher audio level. Phone conversations between characters sound tinny to the listener, adding to the intimate feel of the production. VERDICT Perfect for readers of emotional books, as well as fans of slow-burn romance.--Sarah Hill

    Copyright 2022 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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One Last Gift
One Last Gift
A Novel
Emily Stone
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