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Who Was: Six Scientists and Inventors
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Who Was: Six Scientists and Inventors
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What’s better than one Who Was? book? Six Who Was? books!

Who Was Neil Armstrong? By Roberta Edwards, read by Dominic Hoffman. Listen to find out more about a boy who loved to make his own model planes, a teenager who got his pilot’s license before his driver’s license, and the very first person to set foot on the moon.

Who Was Marie Curie? By Megan Stine, read by Sarah Scott. Listen to find out more about a brilliant young girl who loved math and physics, the discoverer of radium, and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Who Was Ben Franklin? By Dennis Brindell Fradin, read by Paul Michael. Listen to find out more about a founding father of the United States of America; an inventor who created bifocal glasses, a musical instrument, and an artificial “arm”; and a scientist who discovered the nature of lightning.

Who Was Galileo? By Patricia Brennan Demuth, read by Mark Deakins. Listen to find out more about an astronomer who understood that the Sun does not circle the Earth, a man put under house arrest for his discoveries, and the father of modern science.

Who Is Jane Goodall? By Roberta Edwards, read by Cassandra Campbell. Listen to find out more about a little girl whose dream was to live among wild chimps, a brave young woman who made her dream come true, and a world-famous scientist and animal rights champion.

Who Was Steve Jobs? By Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso, read by Rob Shapiro. Listen to find out more about a boy who loved to build and fix things, a man who showed up barefoot to business meetings, and a genius who changed the way the world communicates.
What’s better than one Who Was? book? Six Who Was? books!

Who Was Neil Armstrong? By Roberta Edwards, read by Dominic Hoffman. Listen to find out more about a boy who loved to make his own model planes, a teenager who got his pilot’s license before his driver’s license, and the very first person to set foot on the moon.

Who Was Marie Curie? By Megan Stine, read by Sarah Scott. Listen to find out more about a brilliant young girl who loved math and physics, the discoverer of radium, and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Who Was Ben Franklin? By Dennis Brindell Fradin, read by Paul Michael. Listen to find out more about a founding father of the United States of America; an inventor who created bifocal glasses, a musical instrument, and an artificial “arm”; and a scientist who discovered the nature of lightning.

Who Was Galileo? By Patricia Brennan Demuth, read by Mark Deakins. Listen to find out more about an astronomer who understood that the Sun does not circle the Earth, a man put under house arrest for his discoveries, and the father of modern science.

Who Is Jane Goodall? By Roberta Edwards, read by Cassandra Campbell. Listen to find out more about a little girl whose dream was to live among wild chimps, a brave young woman who made her dream come true, and a world-famous scientist and animal rights champion.

Who Was Steve Jobs? By Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso, read by Rob Shapiro. Listen to find out more about a boy who loved to build and fix things, a man who showed up barefoot to business meetings, and a genius who changed the way the world communicates.
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Au sujet de l’auteur-
  • Patricia Brennan Demuth is the author of Who Was Laura Ingalls Wilder?Who Is Bill Gates?What Was Ellis Island?, and What Was Pearl Harbor?

    Roberta Edwards lives in New York, New York.

    "I have the time of my life as a children's author," says Dennis Brindell Fradin, prolific author of close to one hundred and fifty books. "I try not to let a day of the year go by without working." Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, he earned a creative writing degree from Northwestern University, then taught elementary school for twelve years. In 1989, the National College of Education honored him as the Educator of the Year. He is married to writer Judith Bloom Fradin, who did the photo research on this book. They live in Evanston, Illinois and have three grown children.

    Pamela Pollack and Meg Belviso have co-authored several children's books, including Who Was Nelson Mandela?, Who Is J.K. Rowling?, and What Was the Alamo?

    Megan Stine
    has written several biographies for young readers, including Who Is Michelle Obama? and Who Was Sally Ride? She lives in Clinton, Connecticut.
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