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Cover of Weyward
*As seen on BBC's BETWEEN THE COVERS * A #2 Times bestseller * A New York Times bestseller PRE-ORDER EMILIA HART'S STUNNING NEW BOOK THE SIRENS NOW 'Humming with a sly, exhilarating magic' BRIDGET COLLINS 'A much-heralded epic' OBSERVER 'Empowering' GLAMOUR Three women, five centuries, one spellbinding story In the present day, Kate flees a traumatic relationship to the Cumbrian cottage she inherited from her great-aunt; but the cottage hides secrets of its own. In 1942, Violet rebels against her father's ideas of a 'proper young lady' . . . until he takes matters into his own hands. In 1619, Altha is on trial for witchcraft, implicated in the gruesome death of a local man. Three women they tried to cage – but Weyward women belong to the wild. And they cannot be tamed... Weyward was a Times bestseller w/e 18-02-2023.
*As seen on BBC's BETWEEN THE COVERS * A #2 Times bestseller * A New York Times bestseller PRE-ORDER EMILIA HART'S STUNNING NEW BOOK THE SIRENS NOW 'Humming with a sly, exhilarating magic' BRIDGET COLLINS 'A much-heralded epic' OBSERVER 'Empowering' GLAMOUR Three women, five centuries, one spellbinding story In the present day, Kate flees a traumatic relationship to the Cumbrian cottage she inherited from her great-aunt; but the cottage hides secrets of its own. In 1942, Violet rebels against her father's ideas of a 'proper young lady' . . . until he takes matters into his own hands. In 1619, Altha is on trial for witchcraft, implicated in the gruesome death of a local man. Three women they tried to cage – but Weyward women belong to the wild. And they cannot be tamed... Weyward was a Times bestseller w/e 18-02-2023.
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About the Author-
  • Emilia Hart is a British-Australian writer. She was born in Sydney and studied English Literature and Law at the University of New South Wales before working as a lawyer in Sydney and London. Emilia is a graduate of Curtis Brown Creative's Three Month Online Novel Writing Course and was Highly Commended in the 2021 Caledonia Novel Award. Her short fiction has been published in Australia and the UK. She lives in London.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from January 9, 2023
    Hart explores in her triumphant debut sexual desire, violence, and personal autonomy in the lives of three strong-willed English women from the 17th century to the present. In 1619 Lancaster, 21-year-old healer Altha Weyward stands accused of witchcraft after using powers learned from her mother to provide women with reproductive care. In 1942, 16-year-old Violet Ayres passes time by observing the creatures around her family home near the village of Crows Beck. Her widowed father keeps her confined there because she exhibits the same strange behavior as her mother, Elizabeth Weyward Ayres, who had the ability to command crows, but Violet nonetheless lusts after an army officer who visits the house. In 2019, pregnant 29-year-old Kate Ayres flees her abusive boyfriend and moves to a cottage in Crows Beck that was left to her by her great-aunt. As she settles into her new home, she finds documents about the Weyward women’s powers. Hart skillfully weaves together the stories of the determined women, showing how they confronted a patriarchal society to take control of their lives. The magic harnessed by the characters feels completely real in this captivating outing. Agent: Felicity Blunt, Curtis Brown. (Mar.)This review has been updated to clarify a plot point. A previous version of this review also incorrectly stated the Kate character was married.

  • AudioFile Magazine The lives of three women are intertwined in this debut audiobook. Altha, portrayed by Aysha Kala, is on trial for witchcraft in 1619. Kala conveys Altha's fear that she will be convicted, as well as her confidence that she did the right thing. Nell Barlow presents Violet. In 1942, she's a sheltered 16-year-old who suffers at the hands of her tyrannical father. Barlow shows Violet's resilience as she overcomes having been raped by her cousin and breaks free of her father's dominance. Helen Keeley tells the story of Kate, who in 2019 flees her abusive boyfriend. Keeley captures Kate's growing confidence as she learns to become her own person. Each narrator maintains the stories' tension and suspense and keeps the listener engaged with these characters. J.E.M. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine
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