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The final installment of Scott Westerfeld's New York Times bestselling and award-winning Uglies series—a global phenomenon that started the dystopian trend.
A few years after rebel Tally Youngblood takes down the Specials regime, a cultural renaissance sweeps the world. "Tech-heads" flaunt their latest gadgets, "kickers" spread gossip and trends, and "surge monkeys" are hooked on extreme plastic surgery. Popularity rules, and everyone craves fame.

Fifteen-year-old Aya Fuse is no exception. But Aya's face rank is so low, she's a total nobody. An extra. Her only chance at stardom is to kick a wild and unexpected story.

Then she stumbles upon a big secret. Aya knows she is on the cusp of celebrity. But the information she is about to disclose will change both her fate...and that of the brave new world.
The final installment of Scott Westerfeld's New York Times bestselling and award-winning Uglies series—a global phenomenon that started the dystopian trend.
A few years after rebel Tally Youngblood takes down the Specials regime, a cultural renaissance sweeps the world. "Tech-heads" flaunt their latest gadgets, "kickers" spread gossip and trends, and "surge monkeys" are hooked on extreme plastic surgery. Popularity rules, and everyone craves fame.

Fifteen-year-old Aya Fuse is no exception. But Aya's face rank is so low, she's a total nobody. An extra. Her only chance at stardom is to kick a wild and unexpected story.

Then she stumbles upon a big secret. Aya knows she is on the cusp of celebrity. But the information she is about to disclose will change both her fate...and that of the brave new world.
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About the Author-
  • Scott Westerfeld is the author of the Leviathan series, the first book of which was the winner of the 2010 Locus Award for Best Young Adult Fiction. His other novels include the New York Times bestseller Afterworlds, the worldwide bestselling Uglies series, The Last Days, Peeps, So Yesterday, and the Midnighters trilogy. Visit him at or follow him on Twitter at @ScottWesterfeld.
  • School Library Journal

    January 1, 2008
    Gr 7 Up-Westerfeld delivers another page-turner in the fourth book of his series, neatly tying previous narrative threads together with characters from former novels but allowing readers to enjoy this one with no prior knowledge of earlier books. In a society based on "face" (a social ranking), a 15-year-old "ugly" longs to be famous. With atypical teenage angst, Aya Fuse hatches a plan to "kick" herself into the top thousand most famous people. As she researches the Sly Girls who she saw riding the mag-lev on hoverboards, she stumbles into a much larger story involving city-killing missiles and strange nonhuman beings. Teens will find themselves drawn to Aya, who soon discovers, through her own experiences, that fame isn't everything and popularity comes with negatives that she hadn't before considered."June H. Keuhn, Corning East High School, NY"

    Copyright 2008 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    January 1, 2008
    This fourth entry in the Uglies series will keep Westerfelds face rank, to borrow his own invented slang, significantly above anonymous. Several years after the massive paradigm shift of Specials (2005), 15-year-old Asa Fuse investigates an urgent news story in hopes of boosting her public name recognitionof crucial importance in the celebrity-based system that has replaced Prettytimes cult of boring, brainless beauty. Asa draws the attention of the storys possibly dangerous subjects as well as that of Tally Youngblood, now a legendary figure. As usual, Westerfeld excels at creating a futuristic pop culture that feels thrillingly plausible; for instance, the reputation economy of Asas Japanese city, based on citizens blog traffic, cleverly pulls in real-world phenomena from Google rankings to reality TVs populist celebrities. Too many subsidiary characters and difficult-to-follow action sequences plague the plots resolution, but such problems are unlikely to faze followers of this hot-ticket series, who will expect smart world building and rich themesand will find both in spades.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2008, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    July 1, 2011
    Westerfeld's unique dystopian "trilogy plus one" receives a full redesign (in hardcover, no less), from covers to trim size and page design, in an apparent attempt to market the books to a crossover audience.

    (Copyright 2011 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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    Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
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