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My Life with the Walter Boys
Cover of My Life with the Walter Boys
My Life with the Walter Boys
by Ali Novak

A New York Times Bestseller

Now a Netflix series!

When a tragic accident leads Jackie to move into a house filled with eleven boys, she gets far more than she ever expected. This sweet YA romance is perfect for fans of Kasie West and Jenny Han—and is one of the most beloved Wattpad books ever!

Moving in with eleven boys was not part of the plan.

Jackie's goal is perfection—perfect grades, the perfect look, getting into the perfect school. If she can achieve that, then maybe her too-busy mom and dad will take notice. But when her parents die in a tragic accident, Jackie is shipped off across the country to live with the Walters, her new guardians...who just happen to have eleven sons (plus a daughter who is basically one of the boys).

The Walter boys are loud, dirty, annoying—and, okay, some of the older boys might be Greek god level hot, but they don't think a city girl belongs on their horse ranch. How is Jackie supposed to fit into their chaotic world when she needs to keep her parents' memory alive by living up to the promise of perfect?

But as Jackie spends more time with the Walter boys, she begins to wonder if the perfection she's always strived for isn't the only way to find love after all.

Funny and moving, My Life with the Walter Boys is perfect for readers looking for:

  • Wattpad love stories
  • contemporary romance for teens
  • binge-worthy YA novels
  • relatable characters
  • A New York Times Bestseller

    Now a Netflix series!

    When a tragic accident leads Jackie to move into a house filled with eleven boys, she gets far more than she ever expected. This sweet YA romance is perfect for fans of Kasie West and Jenny Han—and is one of the most beloved Wattpad books ever!

    Moving in with eleven boys was not part of the plan.

    Jackie's goal is perfection—perfect grades, the perfect look, getting into the perfect school. If she can achieve that, then maybe her too-busy mom and dad will take notice. But when her parents die in a tragic accident, Jackie is shipped off across the country to live with the Walters, her new guardians...who just happen to have eleven sons (plus a daughter who is basically one of the boys).

    The Walter boys are loud, dirty, annoying—and, okay, some of the older boys might be Greek god level hot, but they don't think a city girl belongs on their horse ranch. How is Jackie supposed to fit into their chaotic world when she needs to keep her parents' memory alive by living up to the promise of perfect?

    But as Jackie spends more time with the Walter boys, she begins to wonder if the perfection she's always strived for isn't the only way to find love after all.

    Funny and moving, My Life with the Walter Boys is perfect for readers looking for:

  • Wattpad love stories
  • contemporary romance for teens
  • binge-worthy YA novels
  • relatable characters
  • Available formats-
    • OverDrive Read
    • EPUB eBook
    • Available:
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    • Text Difficulty:
      3 - 4

    • From the book

      Chapter 1

      I didn't own a single pair of jeans. It's crazy, I know, because what sixteen-year-old girl doesn't have at least one pair, maybe with a tear in the left knee or a heart doodled across the thigh in Sharpie?

      It wasn't that I disliked the way they looked, and it had nothing to do with the fact that my mother had been a fashion designer, especially considering that she used jeans in her collections all the time. But I was a firm believer in the phrase "dress to impress," and today I was definitely going to need to make an impression.

      "Jackie?" I heard Katherine call from somewhere inside the apartment. "The taxi is here."

      "Just a minute!" I scooped a piece of paper off my desk. "Laptop, charger, mouse," I muttered, reading off the rest of the checklist. Opening my satchel, I searched for my possessions to make sure they were safely tucked inside. "Check, check, check," I whispered when my fingers brushed against all three things. With a bright red pen, I marked an X next to each of them on my list.

      There was a knock on my bedroom door. "You ready, honey?" Katherine asked, poking her head inside. She was a tall woman in her late forties, with golden hair that was cut into a mom bob and starting to gray.

      "I think so," I told her, but my voice cracked, revealing otherwise. My gaze snapped down to my feet because I didn't want to see the look in her eyes-the sympathetic one that I'd seen on everyone's faces since the funeral.

      "I'll give you a moment," I heard her say.

      When the door clicked shut, I smoothed down my skirt as I glanced in the mirror. My long, dark curls were straightened and tied back with a blue ribbon like always, not a single strand out of place. The collar on my blouse was crooked, and I fidgeted with it until my reflection was seamless. I pursed my lips in annoyance at the purple circles under my eyes, but there was nothing I could do to fix the lack of sleep that was causing them.

      Sighing, I took one last look around my room. Even though my entire checklist was crossed off, I didn't know when I would be returning, and I didn't want to forget anything important. The space was strangely empty, since most of my possessions were on a moving truck bound for Colorado. It had taken me a week to pack it all, but Katherine had helped me with the huge task.

      Clothing had filled most of the boxes, but there were also my collection of Shakespeare plays and the teacups my sister, Lucy, and I had collected from every country we had ever visited. As I glanced around, I knew I was stalling; with my organizational skills, there was no way I'd forget anything. The real issue was that I didn't want to leave New York-not one bit.

      But I didn't have a say in the matter, so with reluctance I grabbed my carry-on. Katherine was waiting for me out in the hall, one small suitcase sitting at her feet.

      "Have everything?" she asked, and I nodded my head. "All right, let's get going then."

      She led the way through the living room and toward the front door, and I trailed slowly behind her, running my hands over the furniture in an attempt to memorize every last detail of my home. It was hard, which was strange considering I'd lived here my entire life. The white sheets thrown over the furniture so dust wouldn't frost the fabric were like solid walls, holding my recollections at bay.

      We stepped out of the apartment in silence, and Katherine paused to lock the door. "Would you like to look after the key?" she asked.

      I had my own set tucked in my suitcase, but...

    About the Author-
    • Born and raised in Wisconsin, Ali Novak is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of contemporary young adult novels. She started writing her debut book, My Life with the Walter Boys, when she was only fifteen. Since then, her work has received more than 150 million reads online. When she isn't writing, Novak enjoys traveling with her husband, Jared; binding fan fiction; and reading any type of fantasy novel she can get her hands on. You can follow her on Wattpad, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok @authoralinovak;

    • Publisher's Weekly

      April 14, 2014
      Novak's first novel—which she wrote at age 15 and posted on social network Wattpad, where it gained a large fan base—is set just after 16-year-old Jackie's entire family dies in a car accident. She moves from New York City to Colorado with her mother's good friend, her new guardian. Now, Jackie will be living on a ranch with a family of 11 boys (including two sets of twins), their sole unfriendly sister, and a pet snake. The chaotic household's constant noise, sibling conflicts, and disarmingly laidback environment leave her disoriented, but also distract her from her recent tragedy. A compulsive organizer by nature, Jackie learns that not everything can be compartmentalized, and a messy romantic entanglement only throws her life into further disarray. Novak spreads the story thin, introducing multiple characters without developing them much. Prosaic descriptions at times undermine the story's emotional depth, and Jackie's response to her tremendous loss comes across as mechanical. Yet the themes of seizing rather than planning each moment and allowing for life's untidiness are explored with energy and humor. Ages 12–up.

    • School Library Journal

      July 1, 2014

      Gr 8 Up-Jackie is used to high-rise apartments, the big-city life, and the prestige of attending a private school. Then, catastrophe strikes and her parents and sister are killed in a car accident. Jackie's nearest living family member isn't equipped to take care of her so he ships her off to her mother's childhood friend, Katherine Walters, in Colorado. Katherine lives on a horse ranch with 12 kids (11 boys and one girl). Jackie arrives to the house to a pretty cold welcome, especially because her new bedroom was Katherine's sanctuary and art studio. Six of the brothers attend the narrator's school where the attractive Walter boys are sought after by all of the girls. As she struggles to make friends and acclimate to her new environment, she begins to embrace her newfound siblings, and all of the drama that comes along with being the token female in family of handsome, if annoying, boys. Especially confusing for the protagonist is the palpable chemistry that grows between her and one of the brothers. Ultimately, life with the Walter boys helps Jackie cope with the loss of her family while embracing another one, and pushes her to discover who she really is in this coming-of-age novel. Fans of Huntley Fitzpatrick's My Life Next Door (Dial, 2012) will enjoy this rambunctious group of siblings.-Jessica Lorentz Smith, Bend Senior High School, OR

      Copyright 2014 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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