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Two Wrongs Make a Right
Cover of Two Wrongs Make a Right
Two Wrongs Make a Right
One of Amazon's Best Romances of 2022!
Opposites become allies to fool their matchmaking friends in this swoony reimagining of Shakespeare’s beloved comedy, Much Ado About Nothing.

Jamie Westenberg and Bea Wilmot have nothing in common except a meet-disaster and the mutual understanding that they couldn't be more wrong for each other. But when the people closest to them play Cupid and trick them into going on a date, Jamie and Bea realize they have something else in common after all—an undeniable need for revenge.
Soon their plan is in place: Fake date obnoxiously and convince the meddlers they’re madly in love. Then, break up spectacularly and dash everyone's hopes, putting an end to the matchmaking madness once and for all.
To convince everyone that they’ve fallen for each other, Jamie and Bea will have to nail the performance of their lives. But as their final act nears and playing lovers becomes easier than not, they begin to wonder: What if Cupid’s arrow wasn’t so off the mark? And what if two wrongs do make a right?
One of Amazon's Best Romances of 2022!
Opposites become allies to fool their matchmaking friends in this swoony reimagining of Shakespeare’s beloved comedy, Much Ado About Nothing.

Jamie Westenberg and Bea Wilmot have nothing in common except a meet-disaster and the mutual understanding that they couldn't be more wrong for each other. But when the people closest to them play Cupid and trick them into going on a date, Jamie and Bea realize they have something else in common after all—an undeniable need for revenge.
Soon their plan is in place: Fake date obnoxiously and convince the meddlers they’re madly in love. Then, break up spectacularly and dash everyone's hopes, putting an end to the matchmaking madness once and for all.
To convince everyone that they’ve fallen for each other, Jamie and Bea will have to nail the performance of their lives. But as their final act nears and playing lovers becomes easier than not, they begin to wonder: What if Cupid’s arrow wasn’t so off the mark? And what if two wrongs do make a right?
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  • From the cover . ONE .


    A word to the wise: don't have your fortune read unless you're prepared to be deeply disturbed.

    Wrong is right and right is wrong.

    I foresee war-merry or misery, brief or long?

    A mountain looms built on deception.

    Surmount it and then learn your lesson.

    See what I mean? Disturbing.

    I tried not to get anxious. But the morning after my grim fortune reading, I woke up to an ominous daily horoscope email. The cosmic warning was loud and clear. Duly noted, universe. Duly noted.

    Quaking in my Doc Martens boots, I decided to beg off the party. That didn't go so well, seeing as this party is my twin sister's doing and my twin is hard to say no to. And by "hard" I mean impossible.

    So even though the universe has all but warned me to buckle up, buttercup, and the air crackles like ozone before a storm, here I am. I reported for duty at the family home-wore a dress, donned my crab mask, made a cheese-and-cracker plate. And now, like any self-respecting scaredy-cat, I'm hiding in the butler's pantry.

    That is, until my sister sweeps in and blows my cover. The swinging door flies open, and I'm caught in a beam of light like a crook cornered by the cops. I stash the peppermint schnapps behind my back and slide it onto the shelf just in time to prove my innocence.

    "There you are," Jules says brightly.

    I hiss, throwing my arms across my face. "The light. It hurts my eyes!"

    "No vampires in this costumed animal kingdom. That crab mask you're wearing is scary enough. Come on." Taking me by the arm, she tugs me toward the foyer, into the jungle menagerie of masquerading guests. "There's someone I want you to meet."

    "JuJu, please," I groan, dragging my feet. We pass an elephant whose trunk clips my shoulder, a tiger whose eyes hungrily trail my body, then a pair of hyenas whose laugh is spot-on. "I don't want to meet people."

    "Of course you don't. You want to drink in the butler's pantry and eat half the cheese-and-cracker plate before anyone else can. But that's what you want, not what you need."

    "It's a solid system," I grumble.

    Jules rolls her eyes. "For eccentric spinsterhood."

    "And long may those days last, but I'm talking about my anxiety."

    "Having been your twin our entire lives," she says, "I'm familiar with your anxiety and its bandwidth for socializing, so trust me when I say this guy's worth it."

    The peppermint-schnapps-and-hide trick is my social anxiety lifesaver. I'm neurodivergent; for my autistic brain, engaging strangers isn't easy or relaxing. But with the trick of a couple of covert swigs of schnapps-buzzed, calmer-I find the experience less overwhelming, and my company finds me not only passably sociable but minty fresh. At least, that's how it typically goes. Not tonight. Tonight I have grim cosmic warnings hanging over my head. And I have a bad feeling about whatever she's dragging me into.

    "Juuuuules." I'm that kid wailing in the grocery store. All I need is a smear of chocolate chip cookie on my cheek, a rogue untied shoelace, and I am typecast.

    "BeeBee," she singsongs back, glancing my way and failing to hide how disturbing she finds my papier-m‰chŽ crab mask. She tugs it up off my face and nestles it into my hair. I tug it back down. She tugs it back up.

    I glare at her as I tug it back down again. "Lay off the mask."

    "Aw, c'mon. Don't you think it's time to come out of your shell?"

    "Nope, not even for that dad-level pun."

    She sighs wearily. "At least you're wearing a hot dress-oops, hold on." We stop at the bottom of the steps before she yanks me behind the...
About the Author-
  • Chloe Liese writes romances reflecting her belief that everyone deserves a love story. Her stories pack a punch of heat, heart, and humor, and often feature characters who are neurodivergent like herself. When not dreaming up her next book, Chloe spends her time wandering in nature, playing soccer, and most happily at home with her family and mischievous cats.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    August 15, 2022
    In this lighthearted rom-com riff on Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing from Liese (the Bergman Brothers series), a disastrous first meeting between straightlaced Jamie Westenberg and “tattooed tornado of flying cocktails and unsolicited astrological commentary” Bea Wilmot leaves both entirely sure that they would never work as a couple—despite an instantaneous attraction that neither can shake. When their matchmaking mutual friends fool them into beginning an anonymous correspondence that ends in a blind date, they hatch a revenge plot: they’ll fake date to get their friends’ hopes up and then stage a breakup so dramatic that no one will ever dream of meddling in their dating lives again. The only thing harder than pulling off the ruse, however, is managing to keep from falling for each other for real. The banter is easy and the heat level is high, though the adversarial dynamic between Bea and Jamie will be more low-key than readers might expect given the source material; Liese serves dessert first as the pair iron out their purely aesthetic differences early on to reveal a remarkable compatibility. Fans of Rachel Van Dyken and Sarah Adams will find a lot to love. Agent: Samantha Fabien, Root Literary.

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Two Wrongs Make a Right
Two Wrongs Make a Right
Chloe Liese
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