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Young People, Wellbeing and Sustainable Arctic Communities
Cover of Young People, Wellbeing and Sustainable Arctic Communities
Young People, Wellbeing and Sustainable Arctic Communities
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Youth are usually not (yet) decision makers in politics or in business corporations, but the sustainability of Arctic settlements depends on whether or not youth envision such places as offering opportunities for a good future. This is the first multidisciplinary volume presenting original research on Arctic youth.

This edited book presents the results of two research projects on youth wellbeing and senses of place in the Arctic region. The contributions are united by their focus on agency. Rather than seeing youth as vulnerable and possible victims of decisions by others, they illustrate the diverse avenues that youth pursue to achieve a good life in the Arctic. The contributions also show which social, economic, political and legal conditions provide the best frame for youth agency in Arctic settlements.

Rather than portraying the Arctic as a resource frontier, a hotspot for climate change and a place where biodiversity and traditional Indigenous cultures are under threat, the book introduces the Arctic as a place for opportunities, the realization of life trajectories and young people's images of home. Rooted in anthropology, the chapters also feature contributions from the fields of sociology, geography, sustainability science, legal studies and political science.

This book is intended for an audience interested in anthropology, political science, Arctic urban studies, youth studies, Arctic social sciences and humanities in general. It would attract those working on Arctic sustainability, wellbeing in the Arctic, Arctic demography and overall wellbeing of youth. 

Youth are usually not (yet) decision makers in politics or in business corporations, but the sustainability of Arctic settlements depends on whether or not youth envision such places as offering opportunities for a good future. This is the first multidisciplinary volume presenting original research on Arctic youth.

This edited book presents the results of two research projects on youth wellbeing and senses of place in the Arctic region. The contributions are united by their focus on agency. Rather than seeing youth as vulnerable and possible victims of decisions by others, they illustrate the diverse avenues that youth pursue to achieve a good life in the Arctic. The contributions also show which social, economic, political and legal conditions provide the best frame for youth agency in Arctic settlements.

Rather than portraying the Arctic as a resource frontier, a hotspot for climate change and a place where biodiversity and traditional Indigenous cultures are under threat, the book introduces the Arctic as a place for opportunities, the realization of life trajectories and young people's images of home. Rooted in anthropology, the chapters also feature contributions from the fields of sociology, geography, sustainability science, legal studies and political science.

This book is intended for an audience interested in anthropology, political science, Arctic urban studies, youth studies, Arctic social sciences and humanities in general. It would attract those working on Arctic sustainability, wellbeing in the Arctic, Arctic demography and overall wellbeing of youth. 

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Table of Contents-
  • Introduction

    The Quest for a Good Life: Contributions from the Arctic towards a Theory of Wellbeing

    Florian Stammler & Reetta Toivanen

    Part I: Movement and Emplacement

  • Motives for Migrating among Youth in Russian Arctic Industrial Cities 
  • Anna Simakova, Maria Pitukhina & Aytalina Ivanova

  • Not Wanting to be "Stuck": Exploring the Role of Mobility for Young People's Wellbeing in Northern Finland 
  • Teresa Komu & Ria-Maria Adams 

     3. Leaving or Staying? Youth Agency and the Livability of Industrial Towns in the Russian Arctic 
    Alla Bolotova 

    Part II: Youth Agency for the Future: Alternatives and Livelihoods

     4. Towards a Sustainable Future of the Indigenous Youth: Arctic Negotiations on (Im)mobility 
    Reetta Toivanen

     5. Youths' and Their Guardians' Prospects of Reindeer Husbandry in Finland 
    Tanja Joona & Pigga Keskitalo

    6. Indigenous Youth Perspectives on Extractivism and Living in a Good Way in the Yukon 
    Susanna Gartler with Taiya Melancon & Eileen Peter


    Part III: Regulating Youth's Paths to Independence

    7. Youth Law, Policies and Their Implementation in the Russian Arctic
     Aytalina Ivanova, Tatiana Oglezneva & Florian Stammler
     8. The Quest for Independent Living in Finland: Youth Shelter as a Critical Moment in Young Adults' Life Courses 
    Miia Lähde & Jenni Mölkänen

     9. Planning for the Future: Future Orientation, Agency and Self-Efficacy of Young Adults Leaving Care in the Russian Arctic 
    Meri Kulmala & Anna Fomina

     10. Youth Well-being in "Atomic Towns": The Cases of Polyarnye Zori and Pyhäjoki  
    Ria-Maria Adams, Lukas Allemann & Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen






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    Taylor and Francis
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Young People, Wellbeing and Sustainable Arctic Communities
Young People, Wellbeing and Sustainable Arctic Communities
Florian Stammler
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