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With God on their Side
Cover of With God on their Side
With God on their Side
Sport in the Service of Religion
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'Sport' and 'religion' are cultural institutions with a global reach. Each is characterised by ritualised performance and by the ecstatic devotion of its followers, whether in the sports arena or the cathedral of worship. This fascinating collection is the first to examine, in detail, the relationship between these two cultural institutions from an international, religiously pluralistic perspective. It illuminates the role of sport and religion in the social formation of collective groups, and explores how sport might operate in the service of a religious community.
The book offers a series of cutting-edge contemporary historical case-studies, wide-ranging in their social and religious contexts. It presents important new work on the following fascinating topics:
* sport and Catholicism in Northern Ireland
* Shinto and sumo in Japan
* women, sport and the American Jewish identity
* religion, race and rugby in South Africa
* sport and Islam in France and North Africa
* sport and Christian fundamentalism in the US
* Muhammad Ali and the Nation of Islam.
With God on their Side is vital reading for all students of the history, sociology and culture of sport. It also presents important new research material that will be of interest to religious studies students, historians and anthropologists.
'Sport' and 'religion' are cultural institutions with a global reach. Each is characterised by ritualised performance and by the ecstatic devotion of its followers, whether in the sports arena or the cathedral of worship. This fascinating collection is the first to examine, in detail, the relationship between these two cultural institutions from an international, religiously pluralistic perspective. It illuminates the role of sport and religion in the social formation of collective groups, and explores how sport might operate in the service of a religious community.
The book offers a series of cutting-edge contemporary historical case-studies, wide-ranging in their social and religious contexts. It presents important new work on the following fascinating topics:
* sport and Catholicism in Northern Ireland
* Shinto and sumo in Japan
* women, sport and the American Jewish identity
* religion, race and rugby in South Africa
* sport and Islam in France and North Africa
* sport and Christian fundamentalism in the US
* Muhammad Ali and the Nation of Islam.
With God on their Side is vital reading for all students of the history, sociology and culture of sport. It also presents important new research material that will be of interest to religious studies students, historians and anthropologists.
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Table of Contents-
  • 1.With God on their Side: An Introduction 2. Catholics and Sport in Northern Ireland: Exclusiveness or Inclusiveness? 3. Stadium Politics: Sport, Islam and Amazigh Consciousness in France and North Africa 4. 'We Are Red, White and Blue, We Are Catholic, Why Aren't You?' Religion and Soccer Subculture Symbolism 5. Women, Sport and American Jewish Identity in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries 6. Manly Catholicism: Making Men in Catholic Public Schools, 1945-1980 7. Religion, Race and Rugby in 'Coloured' Cape Town 8. Appeasing the Gods: Shinto, Sumo and 'True' Japanese Spirit 9. What Makes a Man? Religion, Sport and Negotiating Masculine Identity in the Promise Keepers 10. Muhammad Speaks and Muhammad Ali: Intersections of the Nation of Islam and Sport in the 1960's 11. Epilogue
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    Taylor and Francis
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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